Terms and Conditions.
The following rules govern the use by you of www.imaamlayth.com. The rules set forth herein apply to all materials, online communications and other information that is or becomes available on www.imaamlayth.com. BY SIGNING ON AND USING www.imaamlayth.com, YOU SPECIFICALLY AGREE TO ABIDE BY THESE RULES AND ANY MODIFICATIONS THERETO.
1. The payment for the online program.
Since the payment charged for the form and the course fee are minimal, it is non-refundable. Once payments are made, access to study materials are granted. If for one reason or the other the student could not start or complete the course, funds can not be transferred to a later date/batch or refunded.
2. Personal use of course materials.
The videos, notes, and other materials provided by Daarul Imaam al-Layth International schools on their website (www.imaamlayth.com) are for the personal use of the registered students only. No material is to be transferred or shared with a third party. As Muslims, we should know the importance of trust. Allah says in Surah al-Mu’minoon verse 8: “Those who are faithfully true to their amanat (all the duties which Allah has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trusts etc.) and to their covenants.” Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shinqeeti (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The amaanah (trust) includes everything that Allah has entrusted to you and instructed you to take care of. That includes guarding your physical faculties from engaging in anything that is not pleasing to Allah, and guarding anything that has been entrusted to you that has to do with the rights and dues of others.
Anas bn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “There is no faith for one who cannot be trusted. There is no religion for one who cannot keep a promise.” Musnad Aḥmad 11975 Graded Sahih (authentic) according to al-Suyūṭī.
3. Young registered students.
Students who are very young (From seven to 15 years old) will require a guardian to monitor their progress while learning. It is encouraged that parents of such young students participate by registering.
5. Personal information of the registered student.
By providing your email address and other personal information during registration, the management of Daarul Imaam al-Layth International Schools may use that email address and other information to communicate to you. Such communication may occur anytime as at when necessary.
5. Conduct of Students.
Students must be responsible and respectful during live lectures and while writing to the school. Any student who is rude, aggressive, or abusive will be expelled from the program without an option of refund. al-Islam is a religion that emphasizes worship of Allah alone and manners. These two acts beautify of one’s religion. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was asked, “What admits most people into Paradise?” The Prophet said, “Fear of Allah and good character.” It was asked, “What condemns most people to Hellfire?” The Prophet said, “The mouth and the genitals.” Sunan al-Tirmidhī hadith 2004. Graded authentic according to Ahmad Shakir and al-Imam al-Albaani. One might not put into use the worldly knowledge acquired. As for religious knowledge, it is to be put into use.
6. Cheating during examination.
Exams will be conducted for students at the end of the course. The aim is to access their level of understanding. Cheating is unethical and not Islāmic. Study hard and pray to Allah to grant you beneficial knowledge. Any student believed to have cheated during exams will be denied his/her certificate of completion of course.
These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and us and supersede all prior agreements and representations, whether express or implied, written or oral, with respect to Daarul Imaam al-Layth International Schools and www.imaamlayth.com. Neither you nor any of our employees or agents is authorized to change or add to these Terms and Conditions or any other documents relating to Daarul Imaam al-Layth International Schools and www.imaamlayth.com or these Terms and Conditions in any way, and any purported change or addition, whether oral or written, is void.